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sscopy - copy a release snapshot


sscopy -hhost [-nqV] -r {AP|AS|IP|IS} path copyName
sscopy -hhost [-nqV] -rollback saved_snapshot target_snapshot


Use sscopy to create a new release snapshot as a copy of an existing release snapshot. The new snapshot will be created and the release snapshot relationships will be updated according to the -r option.

Path specifies an existing release snapshot to copy. CopyName specifies the new release snapshot base name to create.

Use sscopy -rollback to copy the saved snapshot to the target snapshot. This is a global copy and completely replaces the file content of the target snapshot. The saved snapshot will not be modified.

Consider making a copy of the target snapshot before doing the rollback in order to preserve the target snapshot's unique state.

Default Options

Default options can be set on most SnapshotCM commands. See wco(1) for details.


Create new snapshots on host.
Display normal output but do not perform the operation. Most error checking still occurs.
Quiet, suppress normal output on success.
Copy the saved snapshot's files onto the target snapshot so that the target snapshot's files become exactly like the saved snapshot.
If HOW is AP, the new snapshot will be added as a new predecessor of the existing snapshot.
If HOW is AS, the new snapshot will be added as a new successor of the existing snapshot.
If HOW is IP, the new snapshot will be inserted as the only predecessor of the existing snapshot. Any existing predecessor relationships will be moved to the new snapshot.
If HOW is IS, the new snapshot will be inserted as the only successor of the existing snapshot. Any existing successor relationships will be moved to the new snapshot.
Print internal version and exit.


Exit status is 0 on success, 1 on failure and >1 if there was a bad option or a network error.

See Also

sscompare(1) , sscreate(1) , sslist(1) , sspromote(1) , ssremove(1) , ssrename(1) , ssupdate(1) , wci(1) , wco(1) , whist(1) , wls(1) , wmap(1) , wmerge(1) , wremove(1) , wrename(1) , wset(1) , wupdate(1) .

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